Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thing 31- More Twitter

So, I've been trying to update Twitter more. I'm following a couple of people now, and that definitely adds interest for me; I'm still not hooked though. I think if I followed more people, that would help. I'm just wondering who has time to really put into this. There was actually an article in the Star Tribune about celebrities who are hiring people to tweet for them. For awhile I was following Obama News, but the amount of Tweets was overwhelming. I also added a Tweet widget to my blog which was really easy to set up. I like being able to access other's blogs and tweets through mine. It's easy, convenient and a time-saver.

I'm at the "presence" level; I have an account and I've tweeted a bit. I think my page is beginning to reflect me as a person, but I have a long way to go before I really find this something I'll use daily. To me, Twitter is discussion.

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