Thursday, April 9, 2009

Google Maps--Thing 32

I had so much fun playing around with Google Maps. I made a map of things to do around Elk River with children.

View Fun Places for Toddlers & Preschoolers in a larger map

As a high school media specialist, I'm thinking this could really be fun for some teachers to incorporate in their classes. For geography, students could make maps of the countries they are studying. They could make a virtual field trip of the country or city. World language students could do the same. It would also be fun to plot different events from history or literature. I know Google Lit Trips has a wonderful Grapes of Wrath site. Students could make their own. Student travel groups could map their trips and add pictures, videos & other info. With all of the different sites from 100+ there are a ton of possibilities for a wide variety of classes.

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