Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thing 30 ~ RSS & Delicious

I absolutely love Delicious; I just wish our district didn't block it. However, I still recommend it to teachers because it's so easy to use. I added a linkroll to my blog, and I've added a few people to my network. It's interesting to see things we have in common and also things we don't. I really like getting new useful sites this way. One way I think we could really use it in the library would be to connect teacher's sites and tag individual units of study. It would save tons of time in updating webpages. I did try to use a few of the tools for deleting inactive links, however, I couldn't get them to work right. Fresh Delicious wouldn't accept my password and another one wouldn't let me extract the files. I'll keep trying, but it's late and I really need to go to bed!

As far as RSS feeds, I use them, but I do a ton of scanning. Sometimes I'll get fixated on a topic, but then that passes. I have a few that I regularly follow and the rest come and go. It's a great tool, and I think students could use them for different research projects. When collaborating with other students, sharing the subscription or link would also be really valuable.
For me, Google Reader is super simply because it's so easy to use and it's all accessible from my homepage iGoogle. I like the article included that encourages readers to get over reading everything. If I did that, I truly would never sleep!

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