Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thing 26

I just joined the Ning the 2nd time around. The first time, I really didn't get past thing 1 or 2; this time I'm hoping I really make it through.

I really like reading the posts specific to school media specialists. What a great spot to go to for title suggestions and teaching ideas. I don't know that I'll actually set up a Ning page right now. I currently have 3 different blogs, and keeping up with them is difficult enough. One question I do have is how are media specialists getting people to read their blogs? I have one set up for our high school, and it's got some great information, but I don't think students are reading it. If they are, they very rarely are commenting on it. Does anyone out there have great success with blogs? I'd love any input you have to offer.

For Thing 26, I posted a video and commented on a couple of forums. I'll definitely check back for ideas.

I think a Ning could be useful for school libraries within a district to collaborate and share ideas. It could also be used to foster a community read project.

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