Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thing 28

I've used iGoogle for sometime, and I will stick with that one. I think the others are great, but I really like all of the applications that come with Google. I do think sometimes it can take a while for my homepage to load, but often I don't spend tons of time there. Between RSS feeds, emails, blogs, and now Twitter, I feel like I have plenty of information. One gadget I really like is the To Do list. It keeps everything in one place. The only downside--it is a never ending list. I'm the type who will add things I've done to my list, just to be able to cross them off and feel as if I've accomplished a ton as I toss it. Not quite the same online!

With all of the options available, there truly is something for everyone! It's interesting to evaluate why people prefer what they do.

I think iGoogle is extremely easy to use and I love many of the tools, but I'll talk about those in the next blog!

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