Monday, May 4, 2009

Thing 34 - Answer Sites

I think many people use Q & A sites because they want information quickly. However, I'm not overly impressed with many of them. Some of the questions were quite serious; for example, I saw many health related questions. But many of the answers weren't really that in depth. That said, I've used various sites to get help with trouble shooting many different issues and I've found them really helpful. I think it depends on who is on the other side answering the questions.
I usually see students after they're frustrated because they can't find what they're looking for.

I love the name SnappyFingers, but I wasn't impressed with the site at all. Perhaps I was asking the wrong questions? Several questions I asked didn't reveal any results. Even when I asked some basic ones, I thought the results were lacking.

One of our AP teachers said her students are using CHACHA and they love it. I've looked at it a bit, but I think many of the answers are too simplistic. I didn't create an account so maybe the information that is sent is of better quality. I think it might be good for quick simple info, but I wouldn't encourage students to use it. I'll have to talk to some students to see what they think. Anyone out there tried it and like it? Just wondering.

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